
Plans for Next Year

I'm not sure who is still watching this right now. Anyway, Corey was able to get a speaker from IJM to come on October 28, so that is the week I am planning the Human Trafficking Awareness week for that week. This is what I have planned so far.

1. Chapel on Wednesday and then possibly an afternoon session with the speaker as well.

2. Movie night on Friday- I got Trade for my birthday. I have reserved Canterbury lecture hall from 7-10 that day.

3. An Odd job auction, possibly on Monday or Tuesday. This would be where people would donate their time to do things like babysitting, dog walking, car washing, etc and then people would buy those times. The money would go to one of the anti-trafficking groups.

4. I want to do some sort of prayer service Thursday evening. I'm not sure how I'd go about setting that up, but I think that would be a good followup to the speaker on Wednesday.

If any of you have any ideas, I would be really grateful. I'm not sure how we'd go advertising in the community and such. Leif and Ashley, since you guys planned the Poverty Week last year, any advice you guys have would be really helpful.

Edit: I looked on IJM, and we're on their official callender: http://www.ijm.org/component/option,com_jcalpro/Itemid,92/extmode,cal/date,2009-10-01/
This makes me really excited.

Edit 2: Prayer service is set up for Thursday in Angell Chapel.